“Mihai Viteazul” National Intelligence Academy (MVNIA) is a key component of the Romanian Intelligence Service. Therefore, we approach the intelligence activity in terms of educating and training future and present intelligence officers, as well as in terms of research and thorough knowledge in the field of intelligence and security. We overcome barriers and shape characters. Our students benefit of both academic training and personal development.
While education in fields supporting intelligence activities – technical, logistics or administrative – can be ensured by other training units, the role of selecting and training future intelligence analysts and case officers goes exclusively to the Academy.
Any high school graduate is welcome to attend one of the two bachelor’s degree programmes Security and Intelligence Studies and Psychology – Intelligence if they want to become an intelligence analyst or a case officer. Those who have a bachelor’s degree have the opportunity of attending the master’s degree programmes Intelligence Analysis or Intelligence and National Security, organized by “Mihai Viteazul” National Intelligence Academy.
Our university is open to a larger public, as well, through a wide-range of programmes. These include research master’s, doctoral, and postgraduate programmes, designed for the members of the Romanian intelligence and national security community as well as for all those interested in deepening their understanding of national security. Last but not least, the Academy provides constant training programmes for SRI staff, in different areas and lines of activity.
Sociologist Dr. Septimiu Chelcea (1994 – 1999) – the educational strategy integrated new forms of training that focused on the applicability of knowledge and an effective adjustment to challenges facing the Romanian society of that time.
Professor Dr. Constantin Romanoschi (1999 – 2002) – the gained experience, the development of the curriculum, and SRI operational requirements came up with a strategic reshape of the programme syllabus at the National Intelligence Institute (INI), which later turned into the National Intelligence Academy (ANI) during Dr. Romanoschi’s tenure.
Professor Dr. Ioan Chiș (2003 – 2005) and Professor Dr. Traian Liteanu (2005 – 2007) implemented the principles that support the development of a dynamic and coherent academia.
Professor Dr. Gheorghe-Teodoru Ştefan (2007 – 2013) – the Academy consolidated the training programmes dedicated to future intelligence officers.
Associate Professor Dr. Niculae IANCU (2013 – 2017) – the Academy consolidated its position as intelligence knowledge nucleus, at a national and international level.
Profesor Dr. Adrian-Liviu Ivan (2017 – 2024) – The Academy has gone through an extensive external evaluation process, finalized with the “High Level of Trust” rating.
Dragoș-Octavian Popescu (2024 – )