Publication – Intelligence and Security Culture (ICS)

In an ever-changing world, the need to understand and navigate the complexity of the intelligence domain has become more pressing than ever. The ICS publication aims to be a focal point in this evolving discussion, offering a platform for the brightest minds in the field to present, analyze, and discuss emerging trends, challenges, and innovative solutions in the world of intelligence.

The ICS publication is an annual proceedings-type publication, resulting from the Intelligence and Security Culture conference, published in print by the “Mihai Viteazul” National Intelligence Academy (ISSN (print) 2971-8139, ISSN (online) 2972-1350) and reflects the diversity and depth of current research. Whether addressing technological, ethical, or strategic aspects of intelligence, these articles aim to deepen understanding and enrich dialogue in a field whose relevance is continually increasing. These will be available, in a copy-protected pdf format, individually on the ICS website, and accessing them is not conditioned by creating an access account or paying a fee in this regard, as the publication is Open Access.

ICS is an open access journal which means that all content is freely available without any charge to the user or his/her institution. Users are allowed to read, download, copy, distribute, print, search or link to the full texts of the article or use them for any other lawful purpose, without asking prior permission from “Mihai Viteazul” National Intelligence Academy of the ICS`s author.

Objectives and Purpose

The purpose of the publication is to popularize research efforts carried out by PhD students in the field of Information and National Security or in related fields (e.g., history, international relations, political sciences, communication sciences, military sciences), from Romania and abroad. The publication also accepts and encourages contributions from master’s students or graduates who wish to apply for admission to a doctoral study program.

The publication’s topics of interest are: governmental intelligence, competitive intelligence, history of intelligence services, cyber intelligence, intelligence analysis, the role of information sources in intelligence activity (e.g., OSINT, HUMINT, SIGINT), misinformation and propaganda, and others related to these, training and education in the intelligence field, technological innovations in intelligence, current challenges in the intelligence field.

If you are a bachelor’s/master’s graduate, researcher, and wish to contribute your own perspectives, discoveries, and research, you are invited to respond to the call for papers below.

Deadlines for Submission of Publication Proposals

Considering the publication is proceedings-type, resulting from the annual Intelligence and Security Culture conference, it is necessary for authors to consult the call for papers, found in the specific section for each year. Usually, the ICS conference takes place between May and June, so the deadline for submitting abstracts is between February and March, and the deadline for sending full-length articles is between April and May. Also, the peer-review process takes place between June and September and the proceedings volume is published by the end of the year.

ICS Scientific Committee / Advisory Board

  • Professor Irena Chiru, PhD – “Mihai Viteazul” National Intelligence Academy
  • Professor Radu Carp, PhD – University of Bucharest
  • Professor Emil Slușanschi – University Politehnica of Bucharest
  • Associate professor Silviu Nate, PhD – “Lucian Blaga” University of Sibiu

ICS Peer-review Committee

  • Professor Ioan Deac, PhD – “Mihai Viteazul” National Intelligence Academy
  • Professor Adrian Lesenciuc, PhD – “Henri Coandă” Air Force Academy
  • Professor Adi Mustață, PhD – National Defense University ”Carol I”
  • Professor Răzvan Grigoraș, PhD – “Mihai Viteazul” National Intelligence Academy
  • Scientific researcher I Ruxandra Buluc, PhD – “Mihai Viteazul” National Intelligence Academy
  • Associate professor Cristina Bogzeanu, PhD – “Mihai Viteazul” National Intelligence Academy
  • Associate professor Flavia Durach, PhD – National School of Political and Administrative Studies
  • Associate professor Ciprian Pripoae, PhD – National Defense University ”Carol I”
  • Associate professor Adriana Rîșnoveanu, PhD – National Defense University ”Carol I”
  • Associate professor Alina Roșcan, PhD – National Defense University ”Carol I”
  • Scientific researcher II Cristina Ivan, PhD – “Mihai Viteazul” National Intelligence Academy
  • Scientific researcher II Alexandra Sarcinschi, PhD – National Defense University ”Carol I”
  • Scientific researcher II Cristian Băhnăreanu, PhD – National Defense University ”Carol I”
  • Lecturer Claudia Iov, PhD – Babeș-Bolyai University
  • Lecturer Adrian Stan, PhD – Babeș-Bolyai University
  • Lecturer Voichița Iancu, PhD – University Politehnica of Bucharest

ICS Editorial Board

  • Editor-in-chief – Lecturer Ileana Surdu, PhD – “Mihai Viteazul” National Intelligence Academy
  • Editor – Assistant professor Mădălina Lupu, PhD – “Mihai Viteazul” National Intelligence Academy
  • Editor – Assistant professor Cătălina Frăţilă, PhD– “Mihai Viteazul” National Intelligence Academy
  • Editor – Research assistant Cristian Condruț, PhD candidate – “Mihai Viteazul” National Intelligence Academy
  • Editorial secretary and cover – Cristian Costea

Instructions for author


Editorial process (peer-review)

  • The scientific evaluation is of peer-review type, carried out by the ICS peer-review committee.
  • In the initial phase, abstracts are thematically checked by the ICS Editorial Board. Following this check, the author of the abstract might receive acceptance or rejection for participation in the ICS conference. In case of abstract acceptance, the author is obligated to submit the full version of the manuscript by the date established in the conference calendar, prior to the conference’s commencement.
  • The full version is evaluated by the ICS Editorial Board for fitting within the ICS theme and undergoes plagiarism detection. If the manuscript fits the thematic requirements and reaches the Doctoral School of ANIMV’s anti-plagiarism standards, the manuscript is forwarded to the ICS Peer-review Committee for scientific assessment.
  • The results of the scientific assessment will be communicated to the authors, and the submitted articles for publication might fall into one of the following categories: accepted without changes; accepted with minor changes; accepted with substantial changes; rejected. Authors might be requested to make adjustments to their text based on the feedback received.
  • After review and acceptance, the paper will be included in the ICS publication. Authors will receive a digital copy of the publication.
  • ICS only accepts works that represent the authors’ own contributions, except where explicit permissions and proper citations exist.

Licensing Terms – Articles are published in accordance with the Creative Commons CC BY–NC-SA 4.0.

Copyright – Authors retain the copyright and full publishing rights without restrictions.

Archive – The journal content is archived within the “Mihai Viteazul” National Intelligence Academy Library

Fees for Authors – ICS does not charge fees for submission, processing, or publication of articles.