Romanian Intelligence Studies Review (RISR)
RISR is an open access and double-blind peer-reviewed academic journal, published bi-annually by “Mihai Viteazul” National Intelligence Academy Publishing House, with bilingual content (English/ Romanian), in printed (ISSN 2393-1450 şi ISSN-L 2393-1450) and on-line format (e-ISSN 2783-9826).
Submission deadlines for manuscripts:
- February 1st (published in June);
- July 1st (published in December).
Authors interested in publishing their papers in RISR are kindly invited to submit their proposals electronically in .doc/.docx format to, with the subject title: “RISR_Article proposal”.
Journal profile:
- Romanian Intelligence Studies Review has gradually increased its visibility on the scientific arena, being in present acknowledged by the National Council for the Validation of University Titles, Diplomas and Certificates (CNATDCU) and indexed into the following scientific databases: CEEOL, DOAJ, ASCI, EBSCO, DRJI, ROAD, SUDOCFR, HEINONLINE.
- The Romanian Intelligence Studies Review provides a multi-disciplinary forum for scholarship and discussion on intelligence and security studies field, and related topics from political studies, social and humanities etc.
- Topics of interest include, but are not limited to: Intelligence Analysis, Open Source Intelligence, Cyber Intelligence, Intelligence History and Memory, Security and Intelligence in the 21st Century, Security Culture and Public Diplomacy, International Security Environment, Business Intelligence, Competitive Intelligence, Intelligence and interdisciplinary research etc.
Peer-review process:
- There is a review form that will be filled in for each article by two peer-reviewers selected by their field of expertise, out of the members of the reviewers’ college. This double-blind peer-review process is strictly confidential.
- The review form contains appreciations about the article’s originality and relevance, structure, academic and argumentative character. Depending of the reviewers’ appreciations, the article is accepted as it is, accepted with minor or major revisions, or is rejected for publication.
- Even in the case of the definitive acceptance, a reviewer can write some observations or improvement suggestions. Reviewers make these recommendations (sent scanned and signed by e-mail), the editorial board analyses them and send the author the improvement recommendations, and the decision of the reviewers, if the case.
- An off-print/ electronic copy of the journal is provided freely to authors in either paper or digital (PDF) format.
- All authors receive a free link to the full text of the journal posted on the “Mihai Viteazul” National Intelligence Academy website (, allowing the implementation of the open access policy.
Anti-plagiarism policy
- Plagiarism is considered as a significant violation of truthfulness and involves stealing intellectual property from other individuals’ work.
- RISR requires that submitted manuscripts are solely the author’s/ authors’ own work and not the work of others, unless an explicit permission has been granted and an adequate citation is in place. This includes text, figures and tables, but also in case of direct translations from one language into another.
- The responsibility for plagiarism lies ultimately with the author/s. The authors have to endorse through a copyright form that all the data in the article is real and authentic, and if the authors have used the work and/ or the text of other authors this should be appropriately quoted.
- The authors should not publish manuscripts describing essentially the same research in more than one journal. Submitting the same manuscript to more than one journal concurrently is considered unethical publishing behaviour, therefore is unacceptable.
- The journal’s editors can reject any article at any time before publication, including after acceptance, if concerns arise about the integrity of the work.
- The journal has a policy of screening for plagiarism. All articles will be uploaded in the ro screening service and the reports will be analysed by a special commission.
- Authors are fully responsible for the entire content of the articles published, but they do not retain the copyright.
- It is required to obtain a written confirmation from authors regarding the transfer of copyright for the papers published by the Romanian Intelligence Studies Review (link to the copyright form).
- The articles are published in accordance to the Creative Commons (CC BY-NC-SA)
Length and format:
- The articles will have between 10 and 15 A4 pages.
- Each contribution will contain the following elements:
- title;
- author’s first name and last name, institutional affiliation and contact data (e-mail);
- an abstract of 200-250 words in English;
- 5-6 keywords;
- the body text should be structured into chapters and subchapters, including introduction and conclusions, typed with bold;
- disclaimer or acknowledgements, if the case;
- disclaimer for taking responsibility, if the case (for example: “The text is the exclusive responsibility of the author/s and the institution I represent is not responsible of the way that the information is and will be used”);
- critical apparatus: final references and indicated in the text (author, year, page) following the APA citation style. For details, please visit the official website: (footnotes are used only for clarifications and examples and will be as short as possible, and will not be used for indicating references);
- annexes, if the case.
- The tables, graphics, images and annexes will be numbered and inserted by indicating the source, so that it can be edited and modified.
- RISR publishes mostly articles and studies in English and seldom in Romanian. For English contributions please use the standard British English (United Kingdom).
Submission Process:
- Manuscripts (usually in English) with a 10-15 pages length are received in Word format at
- The Editor-in-Chief firstly verifies if the article responds to the journal’s topics of interest and if it respects the author guidelines.
- The suitable manuscripts are included in the portfolio and are sent to two scientific reviewers, according to their field of expertise.
- The structure of the manuscript should respect the attached template.
RISR does not have any submission, author processing (APC), or publishing charges.
Romanian Intelligence Studies Review no. 31 / 2024
Romanian Intelligence Studies Review no. 30 / 2023
Romanian Intelligence Studies Review no. 29 / 2023
Romanian Intelligence Studies Review no. 28 / 2022
Romanian Intelligence Studies Review no. 27 / 2022
Romanian Intelligence Studies Review no. 26 / 2021
Romanian Intelligence Studies Review no. 25 / 2021
Romanian Intelligence Studies Review no. 24 / 2021
Romanian Intelligence Studies Review no. 23 / 2020
Romanian Intelligence Studies Review no. 22 / 2019
Romanian Intelligence Studies Review no. 21 / 2019
Romanian Intelligence Studies Review no. 19 – 20 / 2018
Romanian Intelligence Studies Review no. 17 – 18 / 2017
Revista Română de Studii de Intelligence nr. 16 / 2016
Romanian Intelligence Studies Review no. 15 / 2016
Revista Română de Studii de Intelligence nr. 15 / 2016
Romanian Intelligence Studies Review no. 14 / 2015
Revista Română de Studii de Intelligence nr. 14 / 2015
Romanian Intelligence Studies Review no. 13 / 2015
Revista Română de Studii de Intelligence nr. 13 / 2015
Romanian Intelligence Studies Review no. 12 / 2014
Revista Română de Studii de Intelligence nr. 12 / 2014
Romanian Intelligence Studies Review no. 11 / 2014
Revista Română de Studii de Intelligence nr. 11 / 2014
Revista Română de Studii de Intelligence nr. 10 / 2013
Revista Română de Studii de Intelligence nr. 09 / 2013
Revista Română de Studii de Intelligence nr. 08 / 2012
Revista Română de Studii de Intelligence nr. 07 / 2012
Revista Română de Studii de Intelligence nr. 06 / 2011
Revista Română de Studii de Intelligence nr. 05 / 2011
Revista Română de Studii de Intelligence nr. 04 / 2010